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Self-shooting Director & Filmmaker


What I do
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Colorful Cube

What I do

I make videos. With a sprinkle of kindness, empathy and a dollop of imagination. I create content that will tell the story most important to you and your customer.

Human-centric storytelling and gleaming new equipment are all the ingredients needed to make a video optimised for your digital audience and develop your brand online. I adapt to all budgets and provide a service that ensures everybody has access to amazing content marketing.

emphasise speed and efficiency, without sacrificing craft.

Let me create the kind of content that will shine a light on the brightest parts of what you do.

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How this works

How this works

Example timeline
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It's pretty simple. I take your brief and provide you with bespoke solutions to craft a bunch of shiny new content.

I handle the whole process from concept to completion. Looking after the pennies in your pocket and being sure to meet every goal along the way. 

Do you fancy some branded content, how about a thoughtful documentary? An enchanting testimonial or perhaps a sparkly commercial film. 

Once we have defined what will work best for you, I will present several options to choose from. I will create a complete schedule and aim to have the finished content delivered within 5 working days. Plus If you aren’t a digital wizard, I will happily provide

some pointers on how best to publish the content and get the best results. 

I offer special packages for SME's and start ups. Find out more

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Get a quote today

Thanks for submitting!

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Colorful Circle
You're brilliant,
let me help show
that brilliance.

Whether you are an agency, a product, a social and/or environmental enterprise, an NGO or even a large organisation, it doesn't really matter, let's shine together.

I'm grateful to the wonderful clients I have worked with

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Lets get started & connect

If you would like to discuss a project, want to know a little more about how I can help or simply want a chat over a brew - I would love that.

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Colorful Cone
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 © Josh Brand Films 2024

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